Home - Veale Youth Entrepreneurship Forum (VYEF)

Celebrating and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset

The Veale Youth Entrepreneurship Forum (VYEF) strives to position Northeast Ohio as a leader in high school entrepreneurial development, thereby contributing to the entrepreneurial ecosystem by encouraging the retention of human capital and increasing economic development of the region.

thinkBIG! Challenge Finalists 2025

Upcoming Programs:

thinkBIG! Summit Tuesday, March 4

JA Stock Market Challenge Friday, April 25

What we do

The Veale Youth Entrepreneurship Forum provides grants to Northeast Ohio high schools to support their entrepreneurship curriculum, programs, students, and educators. We also partner with local universities, entrepreneurs and businesses to create programs targeted toward high school students. These programs ignite a passion for entrepreneurship and create opportunities for students and educators. Students attending VYEF programs will meet entrepreneurs and business leaders, learn from experts about creating a business, develop new skills, and can even earn grant funding for their own businesses.

YIPPEE is an online marketplace where educators use points to purchase entrepreneurship education resources, and our generous sponsors pick up the tab. YIPPEE connects educators to resources and to one another – empowering them to share their experiences and offer lessons that build real-world skills.

Earn YIPPEE points when attending any of our programs, go to their website or email programs@vealefound.org for more information.

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